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Organized Chaos-170x125cm, Mixed media on wood panel


Artist Statement

Chara Kontopoulou's paintings are based on abstract art – she uses layers of resin and acrylic paint, with the aim to create organic shapes, on large scale canvases. The multiple layers of resin and the small painted marks, have the tendency to create an actual depth or the illusion of a 3D painting. The outcome is a shiny and reflective surface, consisted by countless and delicate strokes. When the viewer changes his/her position, the overall image changes respectively.

Different reflections of the viewer and the space become apparent, due to the nature of the material (resin), that gives a reflecti
ve outcome, like a mirror. In the end, the viewer becomes the main subject of the painting, giving a whole new perspective to the artwork. As his reflection is mirrored back, the viewer creates his own distracted poetic image, which is in a very simple and human way very fascinating and seductive. 


Through her art, Chara invites people to slow down and offers a pause; how easy is to turn passive vision into an exploring tool of experience?


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